100 topic ideas for your business & management research paper
September 26, 2018
Reading time: 8 min

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An MBA course is a demanding one. Studies are challenging, the schedule is tight, and the competition is tough.
Sometimes it feels like 24 hours aren’t enough to cope with the daily workload.
So, let us offer you 100 best Business & Management research paper topics in 2018 to set your creativity loose and help squeeze out an extra hour or two of “you-time”.
20 leadership and conflict management research paper topic ideas
- Leadership analysis based on one of the leaders as depicted in The Road to Guilford Courthouse by John Buchanan.
- What does the Six Sigma managerial concept have to deal with?
- How to deal with workplace violence? Provide 4-5 problem-solving solutions.
- Office Sexism: Is this a real thing or just a bogus capriccio?
- How is leadership opposed to management?
- What is the future of management? Provide 5 possible scenarios.
- Is leadership caused by genetics and inborn talents, or can it be taught and effectively mastered at work?
- What are some of the strategies for dealing with disagreements between individuals or groups? Provide at least 5 examples.
- 5 methods to end a conflict between parties in a peaceful manner without any retribution on either side.
- 5 methods to prevent and resolve conflicts with product customers in a lenient fashion.
- How to manage relationships with potential and current customers, as well as business partners?
- What is the Equity Theory? Discuss how employees behave when they think they aren’t treated equally as colleagues and what can be done in such a situation.
- What are the qualities of a leader in the example of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr.?
- Fayolism: The management protocol of tomorrow?
- How do you adequately express anger without escalating a situation at the workplace?
- What personal traits should the perfect manager have? Name at least 10 qualities.
- How to tell an employee is ready to obtain a managerial position?
- How do we deal in times of crisis with the example of CEOs of top Australian companies?
- What are the ways to effectively manage employees’ ambitions and career longings?
- Who is the crisis manager? Give at least 10 characteristic features and name 5 examples of the crisis manager in the 21st century.
20 business ethics research paper topic ideas
- How does nepotism affect business? Provide at least 5 examples.
- What is your ethical opinion on alcohol and cigarette business promotion?
- Is it ethical to add hidden charges to the initial product price?
- Is it ethical to pursue instant profits at the cost of the product’s quality?
- Should companies be made responsible for customers misusing their products?
- Does gender discrimination and sexism affect employees’ performance and productivity?
- Why are women in business paid less than men? Should they be paid equally to men?
- Is it ethical to buy products from companies that pollute the environment?
- What are the dos and don’ts of office ethics?
- What are some of the examples of high ethical standards for employees?
- How to resolve the conflict of interest and work ethics? Provide examples.
- 10 ethical business practices that help create a healthy corporate culture.
- Business ethics and the insurance industry: 100 years of history.
- 5 ethical theories that could be implemented in the business and management environment.
- Business whistleblowers: Is it ethical to inform regulatory bodies about competitors’ product flaws, legislator inconsistencies, and potential hazards from using?
- Is it ethical to sell a product, given you can’t prove it works as advertised?
- False advertising – is it ethical to do whatever it takes to sell more?
- Are there any examples of ethical child labour?
- Is it ethical to test applicants on polygraph before hiring?
- Is it ethical to keep back product ingredients that are potentially harmful to customers’ health?
20 business law research paper topic ideas
- Age, race, and gender discrimination in the workplace.
- What challenges can a company face implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement?
- Government’s resolution on the drastically increasing number of injuries and casualties at construction sites.
- How can Australia benefit from the implementation of the paternity leave law package?
- Discrimination of the non-smoking colleagues at work.
- Should companies introduce fines for employees who smoke or have other bad habits?
- Should tobacco companies pay the lung cancer treatment costs of their customers?
- 5 case studies of how large corporations avoided multi-million lawsuits.
- What are some of the illegal ways companies use to cover up accidents in the workplace?
- How do websites offering illegal content affect the showbiz industry?
- Pros and cons of Non-Disclosure Agreements.
- Nom de plumes or legal names: Which one protects content creators best?
- How come a company releases a similar product to that of a competitor and doesn’t violate any patents or copyrights?
- 5 ways to improve the functioning of the intellectual property law.
- What does federal, state, and business legislation have to say about marijuana businesses in Australia?
- Should corporate crimes be subject to the death penalty?
- 20 years of ‘insider trading’: How has the concept changed in the past decades?
- Stakeholder and shareholder overlap in modern business.
- A global perspective on Islamic business laws.
- Can there be a compromise between gun control legislators and gun manufacturers?
20 management research paper topic ideas
- How to estimate, manage, and reduce all possible risk events at a company?
- What are the procedures essential for contingency planning, funding, and workarounds?
- What does CRM stand for?
- How to enter a market using the customer relationship management approach?
- Why Dell Computer Corporation sells its products only online?
- What are the 10 cornerstones of an effective Marketing plan?
- How to implement Supply Chain Management in the age of e-commerce?
- 10 key issues business process outsourcing management faces in the 21st century?
- How to sell your product to Millennials in 2018?
- Origins and outcomes of escalating distrust and raising suspicion in the workplace.
- 5 most effective tips for managing a multicultural working environment.
- SCRUM vs. KANBAN: What’s the difference?
- Main driving forces for starting a new business after a failure.
- Key issues of running a start-up business in 2018.
- How to launch a new product or service in strategic alliances?
- 5 difficulties social entrepreneurs face in 2018.
- How do global events reflect on home markets and local businesses?
- 10 managerial instruments for retention of key employees.
- 5 managers that changed the business world forever.
- Stress reduction and time management in the arsenal of an effective entrepreneur.
20 MBA research paper topic ideas
- 3 stages of a business life cycle: growth, maturation, and decline.
- What benefits does outsourcing have from the point of view of businesses?
- What is a Turnkey Project?
- 4 essential elements of measuring the project’s performance.
- What values, beliefs, norms, expectations, and assumptions people in a company should share to become an effective team?
- JIT: What does the Just-in-Time managerial concept mean? What are its key cornerstones?
- How does building a corporate identity help a company to present itself to both customers and employees?
- Does increasing employees’ salaries exponentially increase their productivity and job satisfaction?
- Are trade unions more beneficial for employees or employers?
- 5 long-term effects of ethical training programs for employees.
- Comparative analysis of running an offline business compared to an online one.
- Is outsourcing an effective compromise on product quality to save money?
- Should companies fully compensate employees for training programs and skill courses?
- How can companies empower their workers to think creatively and foster innovation? Provide at least 5 examples.
- 10 cornerstones of a harmonious workplace environment and the role of a manager in it.
- What are the benefits of relocating a company’s headquarters to a developing country?
- How to make a product appeal to customers coming from different cultural environments?
- 5 effective instruments to measure employees’ effectiveness at work.
- How to stay moral in an amoral business niche?
- How to turn charity and nonprofits to your advantage as a businessman or manager?
The only research paper topic idea you might actually need
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