How to write an effective research proposal
July 19, 2016
Reading time: 6 min

Table of Contents
What is a research proposal?
A research proposal usually refers to a document that proposes a certain project that needs research mostly in sciences or academia and it constitutes a request for sponsorship.
What is the main purpose of the research proposal? The research proposal should present and explain the inquiry for conducting a survey on the definite problem and to demonstrate some practical ways to solve it!
The main goal of writing a research proposal is to present and to justify the need to conduct a study on the research problem and to present different practical ways that the research should be conducted. The main purpose for writing a research proposal is to show that the problem that you propose to investigate is significant to warrant an investigation, the methods you are planning to use are feasible and suitable, and the results will be fruitful. A well-written research proposal should feature the following; a title, abstract, introduction, background, and methodology.
How to write a research proposal?
Research proposals are generally organized in the same way even though the length might vary. The format will be the same, but there will be some variations depending on the proposal itself. Below is an outline of basic components of research proposals.
1. Title page
On this page, you should write the proposal title. It also contains the names of the writer.
2. The introduction
In this section, you should explain the issue that you wish to examine and its significance. You should generally describe the area that is going to be studied. You should also strive to explain why what you are investigating is important to your general area of study.
3. Review of the literature or Background
Here you will describe what is already known about the area and have a short discussion why background studies are insufficient. Have a summary of what is already known and a summary of background information on the topic. In your literature review include information from outside sources such as books. You should mention different critical studies that have been done in the areas. Point out the questions that these studies leave unresolved that wish to study.
4. Rationale
You should list specific questions that you wish to explore. Give an explanation on how these questions are linked to the issues you raised in the introduction. Describe the hypothesis and claims that you will evaluate with these questions.
5. Method and design
In this section, you shall include a description of how you will go about collecting data needed and how you will test the questions you are examining. You do not have to come up with a new method. If you are not sure the method you will use you can look at journal articles to gain more knowledge of the methods used to assess the chosen area of study and adapt one of them.
Describe the methodology you shall use to test your hypothesis and give reasons why this is the best method for your purposes. Give a description of the sample you wish to test and why you chose this sample. Include details of the sample such as their age, background, and the socio-economic information.
Here you describe the variations you would make and test for so as to test the hypothesis you made. Describe the factors you would test for and why you would vary these factors. Describe the factors that you need to control for the study.
Describe how you are going to analyze the details you get. What results will confirm your hypothesis and what results will disconfirm your hypothesis?
6. Significance and conclusion
You should generally describe how the proposed research will lead to significant improvements to the original studies and how it will benefit the field.
7. References
Include all references used in the proposal in a standard style. This is a list of all relevant work.
Research proposal writing tips
Read everything that you can find relating to the field. Take notes while you write and ask your advisor about the topic.
- Earlier on before you start writing generate some research questions, observations, interpretations of the expected outcomes and expected results. You do this since these are the core of the project and will help you focus when you are reading. You can modify them as your understanding increases.
- If you know, your writing is bad you can consider the option of research proposal writing services.
- Before writing the first draft, consider writing it in point form.
Get others to comment and review on your proposal. The more diverse criticism and opinions you get the more your proposal is fitted for a multidisciplinary audience.
Research topics and ideas
A research problem is the key organizing principle that guides the analysis of your paper. Choosing a research problem is no easy task. You should first narrow it down to two specific topics that interest you. You can even start by asking yourself “what do I want to know?” If lack an idea of what to write about you can decide to browse through current journals in the subject discipline. They might be irrelevant but by skimming through the content, you will get a spark that will leave you wanting to learn more about the topic. You can also search online media sources to get an idea of what to cover.
Why is it better to find a research proposal writing service?
Research proposals are an important part of any successful researcher, but it can be a difficult task to write a proposal especially if you are not good at it, and it is time-consuming. Because of this, you can take advantage of research proposal writing service and buy a research proposal. By choosing to order a research proposal, you get a custom written proposal in the shortest time since they employ eminent writers and serious researchers for the task. Our service is affordable to everyone. You should, therefore, take advantage of to get the best results.